Privacy Policy

Last update: 30/9/22

We ("We", "Us" or "Our") are committed to securing your Personal Data and your privacy.

This Privacy Policy was created to explain how we collect, store, and use the information you supply in connection to the website WealthWay Digital (the "Website" ).

These principles will be defended:

  • To be transparent with regard to the processing and collection of Personal Data about you:

We are committed to ensuring that you are provided at all times the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding the use of Personal Data concerning you, when you visit our Website or when you agree to trade with an external trading platform. In order to achieve this, we'll employ different techniques and methods to provide pertinent information on the processing of Personal Data.

Additionally, if we find you are required to receive specific information, We will provide it to you at the appropriate time and place.

We are also happy to assist you with any questions you be having and to give you any clarifications you require, subject to legal limitations. In this regard you may contact Us by sending an email at the following address at [email protected]

  • To use Personal Data about you solely for the purposes outlined in the policy:

The purposes for which we may process Personal Data about you include the following: to make the Website available to you and provide you with an access to a third-party trading platform (the "Services" ) and to improve your experience on the Website, to enhance the services (including the Website) and to safeguard Our rights and interests, and to carry out administrative and business functions that supports the delivery of the Services to Website users and/or to uphold any legal and/or regulatory obligations.

In addition, We will process Personal Data regarding you in order to be aware of your needs and preferences.

  • to invest substantial resources to protect your rights with respect to Personal Data about you:

To allow the exercise of your rights we've got important resources. You can therefore contact Us any time you wish to review Personal Data concerning you, ask us to modify it or erase it, stop processing it for specific reasons or in general transfer it to you or to a third party. We will comply with your requests as per the laws.

  • Protect your Personal Data:

While We cannot promise absolute protection of the Personal Data about you, We can guarantee that We employ and will continue to utilize an array of tools and measures to ensure that the Personal Data about you is protected.

Our complete Privacy Policy

1. The Scope?

This policy describes the type of Personal Data Company collects on natural people and the ways in which it utilizes it, share it with other parties, secures processes, etc.

This Policy is a reference to information that pertains to an identifiable or identified natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified by direct contact or when combined with additional information that We have or that We have access to.

In this Policy"processing" of Personal Data is defined as "processing" of Personal Data refers to any operation or set of operations performed with respect to Personal Data, including the recording, collection and organization, as well as structuring storage, adaptation or modification, retrieval consultation, disclosure, via transmission, dissemination or any other method of making it available, alignment or combination of Personal Data, including restriction, erasure or destruction of Personal Data.

Our Services are meant for general use and are not intended to be used by anyone under the age of 18. We don't knowingly seek or gather information from anyone under 18 years of age, nor do we knowingly permit such individuals to access our services. If we discover that data concerning a child has been collected, We will take reasonable steps to remove the information as soon as possible.

2. What personal Data Can We Collect About You?

We collect Personal Data about you whenever you access the Services, access the service channels and use the website. You can provide us with your Personal Data in certain instances. In other situations we collect your Personal Data by analysing and analysing the use of our Services or our service channels or by receiving your information from third-party partners.

3. No Obligation To Provide Personal Data To The Company And Its Consequences

But, you aren't obliged to provide Us any personal Data. However, in certain instances the failure to provide such Personal Data will prevent Us from offering you the Services and will hinder the use of the Website and/or may result in the failure of the Services and the Website.

4. What kinds of Personal Data do We collect? Personal Data that we collect from each browsing onto the Website:

This includes information about your online activity log, traffic data (including IP address the date of access, time of access, and date of access), language used, software crash reports, the type of browser used, as well as information about the device you utilized. This information may not be personal data and could not be used to identify you.

Personal Data We will receive from you: any Personal Data you provide to Us on your own at your own discretion when you communicate with an external trading platform via Us.

Personal data You provide specifically for submission to third party platforms in order to trade: this information contains your full name, phone number, and email address.

5. The Legal Basis and the Reasons for The Processing of Personal Data

The Company uses your Personal Data for one or more of the purposes described in this section and in accordance to the appropriate legal basis.

Without a legal basis the Company cannot process Personal Data concerning you. These are the legal basis upon which the Company is able to use to process Personal Data about your:

  • You have consented to the processing of your Personal Data for one or more specific objectives. This applies to situations where you provide specific information through the Website, so that we may send the information to a third party trading platform.
  • The Company or a third party may require processing to fulfill their legitimate interest. As an example, to fulfill the goal of making improvements to Our Services, or for the exercise or defense of claims in court.
  • Processing must meet an obligation of law.

You can reach Us via email for more details regarding processing that is required to safeguard the legitimate interests.

The following table outlines the purposes we might use Personal Data about you and the legal basis for data processing:

The purpose Legal Basis

To provide your information to third parties at your request to gain access to digital trading

We might gather Personal Data about you in order to submit it to third party companies, if you specifically request that.

You have agreed to the processing of your Personal Data for one or multiple purposes.

To address your inquiries, requests, or complaints

Personal Data is necessary to solve any questions you have regarding the Services.

The legitimate interests of the Company or the interests of a third party require processing.

To ensure compliance with any legal obligation or judicial or administrative orders

We use Personal Data about you in order to comply with Our different legal obligations.

In order to meet legal obligations, processing is required.

In order to enhance Our Services

We may use Personal Data about you in the interest of improving Our Services. This includes, inter alia any malfunction reports or crash logs which are gathered in relation to Services.

Processing is essential to fulfill the legitimate interests that are pursued by the Company or an unrelated third other.

To prevent fraudulent or illegal usage of Our Services

Processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by any third other.

to perform and manage activities that support the provisions of Our Services

Such activities include back-office functions, business development activities, strategic decision-making, oversight mechanisms, etc.

Processing is essential for the purpose of legitimate rights pursued by the Company or any third other.

In order to perform analysis, such as statistical analysis

We use various analytical measures (including statistical ones) to take decisions regarding various matters.

The legitimate interests of the Company or the interests of a third party need to be processed.

To protect the rights of third parties and our interests, rights and assets, this includes the exercise, initiation or defense of legal claims

Personal Data may be processed by us to protect our interests, rights and assets or those of third parties, in compliance with any laws, regulations or agreements and any conditions, terms or policies.

Processing is essential to fulfill legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

6. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties

The Company could also disclose Personal Data concerning you to other third parties who provide Us with services, such as hosting and storage providers IP address information, analysis of user experience and research, analysis, technical, and diagnostic services.

In addition, you may specifically request that We provide certain Personal Data about you to third-party trading platforms. In such cases we will provide the Personal Data that you will provide to Us for such purpose and to these third parties and the usage of your Personal Data will be subject to their privacy policies. Your Personal Data may be transferred to multiple third-party trading platforms.

The Company can disclose Personal Data with related entities or business partners. This provides the Company with the tools to enable it to enhance the services and products it provides to its customers.

The Company may share Personal Data about you with governmental, local, official and regulatory authorities as well as if such disclosure is required to protect Our and third parties' interests, rights, and assets, including the initiation and/or exercise of claims in court.

Additionally, we may provide Personal Data about you to potential buyers or investors of or lenders of the Company or any other company in the company group of which the Company is a part or in the case of a similar deal (including the selling of assets by the Company and/or of any company in the company group, of which the Company is a member) and/or in connection with any merger or consolidation, reorganization or bankruptcy of the Company or any other company in the group of companies to which the Company is a member.

7. Cookies and third-party services

We may use certain third party services, like analytics companies or companies delivering advertisements on our website that may also make use of cookies or other technologies, and those practices and providers are subject to their respective policies.

Cookies (which is a tiny text file) is installed on the device via which you visit or access the website. Cookies are used to gather information about your browsing habits and preferences enhance the user experience, keep track of your settings and personalize the products and services you may enjoy. Cookies may also be utilized for statistics and analytics.

Certain cookies that we utilize are called session cookies. These cookies are temporarily downloaded onto your device, and they last for a couple of minutes after you close your browser. Some are persistent cookies. Persistent cookies stay on your device until you close your browser. They can be used to help the Website recognize you as a returning visitor , and permit you to visit the Website.

Cookies of different types:

They may be used by us in accordance with their purpose:

Type of Cookie Scope Additional Information
Cookies that are absolutely necessary

These cookies are strictly necessary in order to allow you to browse our website and utilize features that you've requested. Cookies are used to offer the content, products and services that you have wanted from us.

They are crucial to help your device download or stream information so that you can navigate around the Website, use its features, and go back to previous pages you visited.

hese cookies collect Personal Data about you, like your user name and the date of your last login, and identify you as being registered to the website.

These cookies are deleted once you close your web browser (session Cookies).

Functionality cookies They are used to recognize you when you visit the website again and help us keep track of your preferences and choices. They last until the date of expiry and are saved even after your browser closes.
Performance Cookies Cookies are used to collect generalized statistics on the Website's performance and help to improve its performance. In addition, they allow Us to carry out analytic functions on the Website.

The cookies collect anonymous information that is not linked to an identifiable or identified natural person.

These cookies can be deleted at the moment you quit your browser. Other cookies have indefinite validity.

Removal and blocking of cookies

You can alter your browser's settings to block and delete some or all cookies. Below are some links that help you with the process for a few of the most popular browsers.

  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

However, you should be aware that some or the entire Website's functionalities and features might not function in the way you expect if this happens.


This service currently does not support do-not-track signals.

8. Persistent Data Retention About You

The Company will keep Personal Data about you for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes of the processing of the Personal Data as outlined in this Policy or for any longer duration in accordance with the legislation, regulation, policies and orders that are applicable to Us.

We'll share your personal information with trading platforms of third parties for 12 months. If you consent, we will continue to share your data for another 12 months.

We review our Personal Data that we have stored to confirm that it is no longer necessary.

9. Transfers of personal information to a third-party country or an international organization

Personal Data regarding you could be disclosed to a third-country (i.e. countries other than the one you reside in) or to international organisations. In such circumstances there is a need for the Company shall take appropriate safeguards to protect Personal Data about you and to ensure that rights for data subjects as well as effective legal recourses for data subjects are available.

If you're an EEA (European Economic Area) resident, it is important to note that these safeguards and protection will be provided if any of the following are fulfilled:

  • The transfer is to a third party or international organization which the EU Commission has decided provides an adequate level of protection to the Personal Data that is transferred to it in accordance with article 45(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (the "GDPR").
  • The transfer occurs according to a legally binding and legal instrument that is enforceable between public entities or authorities en respect of Article 46(2)(a).
  • The transfer is in line with standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission pursuant to Article 46(2)(c) of the GDPR. The clauses adopted by the EU Commission can be viewed at

The Company will provide you with information on the security measures it employs to safeguard your Personal Data that is transferred to third countries or international organizations. Send an email to this address: [email protected]

10. Privacy of Personal Data

We take appropriate organizational and technical precautions to safeguard Personal Data. This includes protecting against unlawful or accidental destruction, loss, or alteration of Personal Data.

We don't warrant or guarantee that the privacy of your Personal Data will be maintained without error. We are also not responsible for any accidental, indirect or consequential damages related to your use or disclosure of Personal Data. This includes however, it is not only limited to Personal Data being disclosed due to errors in transmission, unauthorised access by third parties or any other reason beyond our reasonable control.

We could be required, due to legal or other obligations that are not under Our control, to disclose Personal Data about you to third parties, like public authorities. In these situations, we only have a limited say in the level of protection provided to Personal Data about you by these third parties.

Transfers of Personal Data via the internet cannot be completely secured. The Company is not able to guarantee the security of Personal Data you transmit to Us via the internet.

11. Links to websites of third Parties

The Website may contain links to applications and/or websites of third parties. The Company has no control over these applications and websites or the collection and/or processing of Personal Data about you by the websites and applications and therefore, we are not responsible for such websites and applications, nor for their privacy and protection policies and activities. This policy does not apply to actions that are made through these sites or apps.

Whenever you access such third parties' websites and/or applications, We recommend you read through their privacy policies prior to using these websites or applications, and before divulging any Personal Data about you.

13. Your Rights in Respect Of The Personal Data About You

You have the right to request confirmation from us the accuracy of Personal Data is being collected regarding you, to rectify any errorsand erase any Personal Data not required by Us. You may also restrict the scope of types of processing of personal information.

If is your EEA residence, please refer to this section:

You are entitled to the following rights regarding of Personal Data about you. You may request the exercise of these rights by sending an email at the following address: info@WealthWay

Right of Access

You have the right to receive from the Company confirmation that whether or the Personal Data about you is being processed, and, if it is the case, you can obtain access to the Personal Data and the following information: (1) the purposes of the processing; (2) the categories of Personal Data concerned; (3) the recipients or categories of recipients to which Personal Data have been or will be disclosed, focusing on recipients from countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or international organisations; (4) if possible the anticipated time period for which the Personal Data will be stored, or, if not feasible, the criteria used to determine the duration; (5) the existence of the right to demand from the Company correction or removal of Personal Data or restriction of processing of Personal Data about you or to object to the processing of your Personal Data; (6) the right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority; (7) if the Personal Data is not collected from you, any available information as to its source; (8) the existence of the existence of profiling; and (9) in the event that Personal Data is transferred to a third country outside the EEA or to an international entity or to an international organization, the appropriate safeguards applicable to the transfer.

The Company will supply an electronic copy of the Personal Data undergoing processing and will charge a reasonable amount for each additional copy you request. The information will be provided electronically, if you ask for it.

The right to obtain copies of your Personal Data shall not adversely interfere with the rights and freedoms of other individuals. If the request poses a threat to the rights and freedoms of others, then the Company can refuse to comply with it or limit its ability to do so.

Right to rectification

You are entitled to request from the Company the correction of incorrect Personal Data about you. Taking into account the purposes of the processing You have the right for incomplete Personal Data about you to be rectified, which can be done through the submission of a supplementary statement.

Right to erasure

The following grounds are valid: (a) Personal Data are no longer required for the purpose for which they were collected and processing; (b) You withdraw consent and there is no legal basis for processing; (c) You object at any moment, for any reason that is relevant to your particular circumstances, to the processing Personal Data about yourself that is based on legitimate interests pursued by Us or by third parties; (e) Personal Data have been unlawfully processed; or (f) Personal Data must be deleted to comply with the lawful obligation of the Company's.

This right is not applicable in the case where the processing is necessary (a) in order to fulfill the legal requirement for processing under European Union or Member State law to which the Company is subject or (b) for the establishment, exercise, or defense of claims under law.

Restrictions on processing

You are entitled to obtain from the Company the restriction of processing of Personal Data about you if one of the following applies: (a) the accuracy of the Personal Data is contested by you for a time which allows the Company to verify the accuracy of the Personal Data about you; (b) the processing is unlawful and you are opposed to the removal of Personal Data about you and you request the limitation of its use; (c) the Company is no longer required to use the Personal Data about you for purposes of processing however, the Personal Data is required by you to establish or exercise or defense of legal claims; (d) If the processing of Personal Data about you is required to support the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by an unrelated third party, unless we can establish sufficient legitimate grounds to justify processing that are in conflict with your rights, interests, and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims or (e) when the Personal Data about you is used for marketing purposes direct to you including profiling to the extent that it is connected to such direct marketing.

If you ask that Personal Data be restricted, Personal Data may only be stored if consent is given or in order to establish, exercise or defend legal claims, or to defend the rights of another natural person, or to protect the rights of someone else, or for reasons that have a high public interest in the European Union or a Member state.

Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain the Personal Data about you, which you have provided to the Company in a structured, widely used, machine-readable format as well being able to transfer this Personal Data to another controller in the event that (a) the processing is based on your consent or on a contract to which you are involved to, and (b) the processing is conducted using automated means.

In exercising your rights to data portability, you have the right for your Personal Data about you to be transmitted directly from the Company to another controller in the event that it is technically feasible. Your rights under the right of erasure do not change due to your use of the right to data portability. The right to transfer data doesn't affect your rights or freedoms as anyone else.

Right to object

You are entitled to oppose at any time on the basis of your particular situation, to the processing of Personal Data about you that is based on legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by a third party, including profiling based on such legitimate interests. If we have compelling legitimate grounds to process Personal Data, we will not continue to process it unless you are able to demonstrate that they override your rights, freedoms, or interests or the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

When it comes to direct marketing You have the right at any time to oppose to the processing of Personal Data concerning you.

Right to withhold consent

You may withdraw your consent provided to Us to allow us to processing Personal Data about you at any time, without affecting the legality of processing that is based on your consent prior to the withdrawal.

Right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority

You may lodge complaints to a supervisory body set up by a member state to safeguard the rights of individuals regarding the processing of Personal Data within the European Union.

Your rights regarding Personal Data about you as outlined in this section 13 may be restricted by European Union or Member State laws to which the company is bound by law.

We will provide you with the requested information as per the rights you have in the section 13 of this agreement within one month from the date of the receipt of your request. That period may be extended to two more months if necessary considering the volume and complexity of the requests. We will notify you of any such extension within one month after receipt of your request, along with the reason for the delay.

The information requested in accordance with the rights you have in this section 13 is provided at no cost, unless otherwise stated in this section 13. When requests are clearly overly or unfounded, in particular because of their repeated nature, we could choose to (a) charge a reasonable fee that takes into consideration the administrative expenses involved in giving the information or communicating or taking the action requested; or (b) refuse to respond to the request.

If We have reasonable doubts regarding the identity of the natural person making your request The Company could ask you to provide additional details.

12. Modifications to This Policy

We may amend at any time, the terms of this Policy. Whenever We amend this Policy We will inform you of such amendments by publishing the revised Policy on the Website. Also, when We make major modifications to this Policy We will endeavor to notify you via the communication methods We consider appropriate and publish an announcement on our website. If not stated otherwise the amendments will come into force after the posting of the revised Policy on our website.